IAPS Convention 2024

Many of our Pastel Society of Southern California (PSSC) members recently returned from the 15th biennial convention of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). Held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this convention attracts about 700 pastel artists from all over the world. It is a giant "dusty fingers" party and a reunion for those who haven’t seen each other in two years! 

Convention-goers can attend workshops, demos, view the exclusive international Pastel World Exhibit, buy discounted art supplies at the trade show, and take part in other pastel activities. An Honors Banquet is also held for those who have earned their Masters Circle and Eminent Pastelist awards. An equally important aspect is the connection and discussion with fellow pastel artists who love the luminous medium and want to share it. 

This year, PSSC had its best attendance ever, with about 45 of us gathering in Albuquerque. We kicked off the convention with a private society dinner at a local restaurant, attended by 35 people. The next night, we participated in the IAPS Fiesta Night, where everyone dresses up to represent their society. This year, our theme was “early California,” so we dressed as hippies. We even had our own "Bob Ross Happy Painter" costume, dreamed up by Kathy Young, our Program Director. We were surprised to learn that the Pastel Society of America (PSA), based in New York City, also dressed as hippies. It was quite fun to see that great minds think alike, and both of our societies tied for the best costumes and theme award. 

Besides the workshops, demos, and collaboration, perhaps the best part of the convention was seeing some of our fellow PSSC members exhibit their work in the prestigious IAPS Pastel World International Exhibition and a few others walk the stage to receive their medals of honor. It was gratifying to cheer them on and enjoy their success. The following PSSC members made it into the Exhibition: in the Open Division, Mike Ishikawa, who sold his painting; Virginia Kamhi, who received an award ribbon; David Wolfram; and Kathy Young. In the Masters Circle Division, the accepted members included Kris Buck, Michael Freeman, Glen Maxion, Linda Mutti, Laura Pollack, and Fred Somers. The PSSC members receiving their Masters Circle medallions for the first time at the award banquet included Patricia Prescott Sueme and Kathleen Weil. Earning their Eminent Pastelist awards were Michael Freeman and Christine Ivers. A heartfelt congratulations to all of these members who have worked so hard for their success!

We look forward to the 2026 convention and hope even more PSSC members will take part in this exciting opportunity.


2024 Make Your Mark!


Julie & Michael Freeman Workshop