We will explore a controversial and contemporary topic: Artificial Intelligence! Our own PSSC Member Maureen McHale, an award-winning graphic designer and entrepreneur, will guide us through this fascinating evening.
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI’s ability to create images with a few words or descriptive phrases, how do our pastels and paintings compete with the endless and effortless possibilities of AI generated art?
Your scanned or photographed art posted on the internet is available to create the massive databases needed for AI generated art.
Did you give permission to the machine learning algorithms to use your art as a basis for generating Artificial Intelligent images?
If you’ve never thought about your art being “scraped” from the internet, perhaps it’s time to consider that it’s already been scraped (or most certainly will be). Machine learning is happening and all internet-available visual images are used to feed the massive data hunger that is necessary to support AI Art.
Maureen will follow a link and demonstrate how easy it is to generate your own artificial intelligent “illustration.” It’s disturbingly easy.
You can protect your art, by using a few tools that can make your art indigestible.With Nightshade or Glaze, Maureen will explain what these tools are, where to get them, how to use them, and the challenges in learning how to make your images visually untouched, but poison to machine-learning.
About Maureen McHale
A real life “Wonder Woman,” Maureen McHale successfully grew McHale Design from a one-woman, home-based, graphic design start-up into a branding firm in the toy and licensing industries serving a range of clients including major toymakers such as Spin Master, Playmates Toys, and Mattel, plus the industry behemoth, Walmart.
Maureen started her career at a drafting table but soon was participating in her industry’s evolution as successful businesses, like hers, adopted leading edge graphic design computer-based tools. Her creativity and commitment, which always focused on riding the latest trends, earned her the Women in Toys, Wonder Woman: Entrepreneur of Year award in 2009 and her company garnered six American Package Design Awards from Graphic Design USA with the last two in 2021.
After leading her firm, McHale Design, for almost 40 years and employing ten full-time designers at the company’s peak, Maureen sold her business and retired at the end of 2022. With her newfound freedom and no longer needing to pursue the next generation design tools, Maureen turned her attention to a passion that had been dormant for decades, putting color on a canvas. Although she had her choice of medium, painting with pastels was her first and only choice.